Weather in Clewiston Florida: A Comprehensive Guide

Weather in Clewiston Florida: A Comprehensive Guide

Clewiston, a charming city nestled in the heart of Florida, boasts a subtropical climate that promises pleasant weather throughout the year. Whether you're seeking balmy summers, mild winters, or refreshing spring and fall seasons, Clewiston has something to offer everyone. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of Clewiston's weather patterns, exploring its unique characteristics and providing valuable insights for locals and visitors alike.

Clewiston enjoys a reputation for its warm and sunny climate, with an average annual temperature hovering around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The city experiences distinct seasons, each offering its own unique charm. Summers are characterized by hot and humid conditions, with average temperatures reaching into the low 90s. However, the high humidity levels often contribute to frequent afternoon thunderstorms, which provide a welcome relief from the heat.

As we transition from the heat of summer to the cooler months, Clewiston's winters bring mild and pleasant weather, with average temperatures in the mid-60s. While the days are typically sunny and enjoyable, occasional cold fronts can bring chilly nights and sporadic frost. The absence of extreme cold makes Clewiston an ideal destination for those seeking a reprieve from the harsh winter conditions found in other parts of the country.

Weather in Clewiston Florida

Warm and sunny climate year-round.

  • Average annual temperature: 75°F
  • Hot and humid summers
  • Mild and pleasant winters
  • Average winter temperature: 65°F
  • Frequent afternoon thunderstorms in summer
  • Occasional cold fronts in winter
  • No extreme cold or snow
  • Ideal destination for escaping harsh winters
  • Perfect for outdoor activities all year
  • Variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables

Clewiston's favorable weather conditions make it an attractive destination for both residents and visitors seeking a warm and sunny climate.

Average annual temperature: 75°F

Clewiston's average annual temperature of 75°F makes it a desirable location for those seeking a warm and sunny climate.

  • Consistent warmth:

    The temperature in Clewiston remains relatively consistent throughout the year, with average monthly temperatures ranging from 65°F in January to 85°F in August.

  • Mild winters:

    Clewiston's winters are mild and pleasant, with average temperatures in the mid-60s. This makes it an ideal destination for those looking to escape the harsh winter conditions found in other parts of the country.

  • Comfortable summers:

    While summers in Clewiston can be hot and humid, the high temperatures are often offset by refreshing afternoon thunderstorms. These storms typically bring heavy rain and lightning, but they also help to cool down the air and provide a break from the heat.

  • Year-round outdoor activities:

    Clewiston's favorable weather conditions allow for a wide range of outdoor activities to be enjoyed year-round. From swimming and boating in the summer to hiking and biking in the winter, there's always something to do in Clewiston.

Overall, Clewiston's average annual temperature of 75°F contributes to its appeal as a warm and welcoming city with a climate that is enjoyable throughout the year.

Hot and humid summers

Summers in Clewiston are characterized by hot and humid conditions, with average temperatures reaching into the low 90s. The high humidity levels often make the heat feel even more oppressive, especially during the peak of the afternoon. However, the city's proximity to Lake Okeechobee and the Gulf of Mexico helps to moderate the temperatures somewhat, providing a slight breeze and occasional relief from the heat.

During the summer months, Clewiston experiences frequent afternoon thunderstorms. These storms typically bring heavy rain and lightning, but they also help to cool down the air and provide a break from the heat. The storms often roll in quickly and can be quite intense, but they usually pass within an hour or two.

Despite the heat and humidity, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy the outdoors during the summer in Clewiston. Many people head to the nearby beaches or lakes to cool off, while others enjoy participating in water sports such as swimming, boating, and fishing. There are also a number of indoor attractions in Clewiston, such as museums, art galleries, and shopping centers.

Overall, the hot and humid summers in Clewiston can be challenging for some people, but there are still many ways to beat the heat and enjoy the city's many attractions.

Here are some tips for staying cool and comfortable during the summer in Clewiston:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, to stay hydrated.
  • Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing made from natural fibers like cotton.
  • Take advantage of the early morning and evening hours when the temperatures are cooler.
  • Spend time in air-conditioned spaces, such as shopping malls, libraries, and museums.
  • Use fans and air conditioners to circulate the air and keep your home cool.

Mild and pleasant winters

Clewiston's winters are mild and pleasant, with average temperatures in the mid-60s. This makes it an ideal destination for those looking to escape the harsh winter conditions found in other parts of the country.

  • Sunny and mild:

    The days in Clewiston during the winter months are typically sunny and mild, with average high temperatures in the low 70s. This makes it ideal weather for outdoor activities such as golfing, hiking, and biking.

  • Occasional cold fronts:

    While the winters in Clewiston are generally mild, occasional cold fronts can bring chilly nights and sporadic frost. However, these cold spells are usually short-lived, and temperatures quickly return to their normal range.

  • No snow or ice:

    One of the biggest advantages of spending the winter in Clewiston is the absence of snow and ice. This means that you can enjoy all your favorite outdoor activities without having to worry about shoveling snow or icy roads.

  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables:

    The mild winter climate in Clewiston is ideal for growing a variety of fruits and vegetables. This means that you can enjoy fresh, locally-grown produce all winter long.

Overall, Clewiston's mild and pleasant winters offer a welcome respite from the cold and snow found in many other parts of the country. Whether you're looking to escape the winter blues or simply enjoy the outdoors, Clewiston is the perfect place to spend the winter months.

Average winter temperature: 65°F

Clewiston's average winter temperature of 65°F makes it an ideal destination for those seeking a warm and sunny escape from the cold and snow found in other parts of the country.

  • Mild days and cool nights:

    The average high temperature in Clewiston during the winter months is in the low 70s, while the average low temperature is in the mid-50s. This makes for mild and pleasant days and cool but comfortable nights.

  • Perfect for outdoor activities:

    The mild winter temperatures in Clewiston make it ideal for a variety of outdoor activities. You can enjoy golfing, hiking, biking, and other outdoor pursuits without having to worry about bundling up in heavy winter clothing.

  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables:

    The warm winter climate in Clewiston allows for the cultivation of a variety of fruits and vegetables. This means that you can enjoy fresh, locally-grown produce all winter long.

  • No need for heavy winter clothing:

    If you're tired of wearing heavy winter coats and boots, Clewiston's mild winters offer a welcome reprieve. You can get by with light jackets and sweaters during the day, and you won't need to worry about shoveling snow or dealing with icy roads.

Overall, Clewiston's average winter temperature of 65°F provides a perfect balance between warmth and coolness, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a mild and enjoyable winter climate.

Frequent afternoon thunderstorms in summer

One of theの特徴 of Clewiston's summer weather is the frequent occurrence of afternoon thunderstorms. These storms typically develop in the late afternoon or early evening, when the heat and humidity of the day reach their peak. The storms can be quite intense, with heavy rain, lightning, and thunder. However, they usually pass within an hour or two, leaving behind cooler and more comfortable conditions.

The afternoon thunderstorms in Clewiston are caused by a combination of factors, including the warm and humid air, the convergence of different air masses, and the presence of the Gulf of Mexico. The warm air and high humidity provide the necessary ingredients for thunderstorm development, while the convergence of different air masses creates instability in the atmosphere. The Gulf of Mexico also plays a role, as it provides a source of moisture for the thunderstorms.

While the afternoon thunderstorms can be disruptive at times, they also provide some much-needed relief from the heat and humidity. The storms help to cool down the air and reduce the humidity levels, making it more comfortable to be outdoors. Additionally, the thunderstorms help to replenish the water supply and provide much-needed moisture for the plants and trees.

If you're planning a trip to Clewiston during the summer months, be sure to pack an umbrella or raincoat, just in case you get caught in one of the afternoon thunderstorms. However, don't let the thunderstorms deter you from visiting Clewiston. The storms are typically short-lived, and they're a part of what makes Clewiston's summer weather so unique and refreshing.

Here are some tips for staying safe during a thunderstorm:

  • Stay indoors if possible.
  • If you're caught outside, seek shelter in a sturdy building or vehicle.
  • Avoid open areas, tall trees, and bodies of water.
  • Unplug electrical appliances and turn off the main breaker.
  • Listen to the radio or watch the news for updates on the storm.

Occasional cold fronts in winter

While Clewiston's winters are generally mild and pleasant, occasional cold fronts can bring chilly nights and sporadic frost. These cold fronts typically originate in the northern United States and Canada and can cause temperatures in Clewiston to drop by 20 degrees or more in a matter of hours.

  • Short-lived:

    The cold fronts that affect Clewiston are typically short-lived, lasting only a few days at most. Once the cold front passes, temperatures quickly return to their normal range.

  • Chilly nights and mornings:

    During a cold front, nighttime temperatures in Clewiston can drop into the 40s or even 30s. Frost is also possible, especially in low-lying areas.

  • Sunny days:

    Even though the nights and mornings can be chilly during a cold front, the days are usually sunny and mild. This makes it ideal weather for outdoor activities such as golfing, hiking, and biking.

  • Preparation:

    If you're planning a trip to Clewiston during the winter months, be sure to pack some warm clothing, just in case a cold front comes through.

Overall, the occasional cold fronts that affect Clewiston are a minor inconvenience. They do not last long, and they provide a welcome break from the warm and humid summer weather.

No extreme cold or snow

One of the biggest advantages of living in Clewiston is the absence of extreme cold or snow. While other parts of the country are dealing with blizzards and sub-zero temperatures, Clewiston residents enjoy mild and sunny winters.

The coldest month in Clewiston is January, with an average temperature of 65°F. Even during the coldest nights, temperatures rarely drop below freezing. This means that you can enjoy all your favorite outdoor activities without having to worry about bundling up in heavy winter clothing.

The lack of snow is another major perk of living in Clewiston. Snow and ice can make it difficult to get around, and they can also cause damage to property. In Clewiston, you don't have to worry about shoveling snow or dealing with icy roads. You can simply enjoy the warm and sunny weather all year long.

If you're tired of dealing with the cold and snow, Clewiston is the perfect place to escape. Here, you can enjoy all the benefits of living in a warm and sunny climate, without having to worry about extreme weather conditions.

Here are some of the benefits of living in a place with no extreme cold or snow:

  • You can enjoy outdoor activities all year long.
  • You don't have to worry about shoveling snow or dealing with icy roads.
  • Your home is less likely to be damaged by snow and ice.
  • You can save money on heating bills.
  • You're less likely to get sick from winter illnesses.

Ideal destination for escaping harsh winters

Clewiston's mild and sunny winters make it an ideal destination for those seeking to escape the harsh winter conditions found in other parts of the country. Whether you're looking for a place to retire, a seasonal getaway, or simply a warm place to spend the winter months, Clewiston has something to offer everyone.

Here are some of the reasons why Clewiston is a great place to escape the harsh winters:

  • Mild and sunny weather: Clewiston's average winter temperature is 65°F, with plenty of sunshine. This makes it ideal weather for outdoor activities such as golfing, hiking, biking, and fishing.
  • No extreme cold or snow: Clewiston does not experience extreme cold or snow. Even during the coldest months, temperatures rarely drop below freezing. This means that you can enjoy all your favorite winter activities without having to worry about bundling up in heavy winter clothing.
  • Affordable cost of living: Clewiston has a relatively low cost of living compared to other parts of the country. This makes it an affordable option for those looking to escape the high cost of living in other areas.
  • Friendly community: Clewiston is a friendly and welcoming community. You'll find that the locals are always happy to help newcomers feel at home.
  • Variety of activities and attractions: Clewiston offers a variety of activities and attractions to keep you busy during your stay. You can visit the Clewiston Museum, go for a swim in Lake Okeechobee, or take a day trip to the Everglades.

If you're looking for a place to escape the harsh winters, Clewiston is the perfect destination. With its mild climate, affordable cost of living, friendly community, and variety of activities, Clewiston has something to offer everyone.

Perfect for outdoor activities all year

Clewiston's mild climate and abundant sunshine make it a perfect place for outdoor activities all year round. Whether you enjoy golfing, hiking, biking, fishing, or simply relaxing in the park, you'll find plenty of opportunities to get outside and enjoy the fresh air in Clewiston.

  • Golfing:

    Clewiston is home to several golf courses, including the Clewiston Golf Course, which is a challenging and scenic course that is open to the public. The mild winter weather makes it ideal for golfing year-round.

  • Hiking and biking:

    Clewiston has a number of hiking and biking trails, including the Clewiston Trail, which is a paved trail that winds through the town and offers beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. The mild climate makes it comfortable to hike and bike year-round.

  • Fishing:

    Clewiston is located on the shores of Lake Okeechobee, one of the best bass fishing lakes in the country. There are also a number of other lakes and canals in the area where you can fish for a variety of species. The mild climate makes it possible to fish year-round.

  • Parks and recreation:

    Clewiston has a number of parks and recreation areas, including the Clewiston Community Park, which features a playground, a swimming pool, and a basketball court. The mild climate makes it possible to enjoy these parks year-round.

In addition to the activities listed above, there are many other outdoor activities that you can enjoy in Clewiston, such as birdwatching, kayaking, and camping. With its mild climate and beautiful scenery, Clewiston is the perfect place to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors all year long.

Variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables

Clewiston's favorable climate allows for a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to be grown throughout the year. This means that you can enjoy fresh, locally-grown produce all winter long.

  • Citrus fruits:

    Clewiston is known for its citrus fruits, including oranges, grapefruit, and tangerines. These fruits are at their peak in the winter months, when they are sweet and juicy.

  • Strawberries:

    Clewiston is also a major producer of strawberries. These berries are available from December through April, and they are known for their sweetness and flavor.

  • Vegetables:

    A variety of vegetables are also grown in Clewiston, including tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and squash. These vegetables are available year-round, but they are at their best in the winter months, when they are grown in the cool, dry climate.

  • Tropical fruits:

    In addition to citrus fruits and vegetables, Clewiston also grows a variety of tropical fruits, such as mangoes, papayas, and avocados. These fruits are available in the summer months, when they are at their peak.

The variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables available in Clewiston makes it a great place to enjoy fresh, healthy produce all year long. You can find these fruits and vegetables at local farmers markets, grocery stores, and restaurants.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the weather in Florida:

Question 1: What is the weather like in Florida?
Answer: Florida has a subtropical climate, with hot and humid summers and mild winters. The average temperature in Florida is 75°F.

Question 2: When is the best time to visit Florida?
Answer: The best time to visit Florida is during the shoulder seasons, which are April-May and September-October. During these months, the weather is still warm and sunny, but the crowds are smaller and the prices are lower.

Question 3: What are some of the most popular tourist destinations in Florida?
Answer: Some of the most popular tourist destinations in Florida include Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Miami Beach, and the Everglades. There are also many beautiful beaches, state parks, and natural attractions to explore.

Question 4: What should I pack for a trip to Florida?
Answer: Be sure to pack light and airy clothing, as the weather in Florida is warm and humid year-round. You may also want to pack a raincoat or umbrella, as rain showers are common, especially during the summer months.

Question 5: What are some tips for staying safe in the Florida heat?
Answer: Drink plenty of fluids, wear sunscreen, and avoid spending too much time in the sun, especially during the hottest hours of the day. You should also be aware of the signs of heatstroke and heat exhaustion.

Question 6: What are some of the best ways to enjoy the outdoors in Florida?
Answer: There are many ways to enjoy the outdoors in Florida, including swimming, sunbathing, fishing, boating, hiking, and biking. There are also many beautiful parks and nature preserves to explore.

Question 7: What are some of the most common pests in Florida?
Answer: Some of the most common pests in Florida include mosquitoes, no-see-ums, sand fleas, and fire ants. Be sure to take precautions to avoid these pests, such as wearing insect repellent and avoiding areas where they are known to be active.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the weather in Florida. If you have any other questions, be sure to consult a reliable source of information, such as the National Weather Service or a local tourism bureau.

Now that you know more about the weather in Florida, you can start planning your trip. Be sure to pack appropriately and take precautions to stay safe in the heat. With its warm climate and many attractions, Florida is a great place to visit any time of year.


Here are some tips for making the most of your trip to Florida:

Tip 1: Plan your trip during the shoulder seasons.

The best time to visit Florida is during the shoulder seasons, which are April-May and September-October. During these months, the weather is still warm and sunny, but the crowds are smaller and the prices are lower.

Tip 2: Pack light and airy clothing.

The weather in Florida is warm and humid year-round, so be sure to pack light and airy clothing. You may also want to pack a raincoat or umbrella, as rain showers are common, especially during the summer months.

Tip 3: Stay hydrated and protected from the sun.

It is important to stay hydrated in the Florida heat. Drink plenty of fluids, and avoid sugary drinks like soda and alcohol. You should also wear sunscreen and a hat when you are outdoors, especially during the peak hours of sunlight.

Tip 4: Take advantage of the many outdoor activities.

Florida has many beautiful beaches, parks, and nature preserves to explore. Be sure to take advantage of the many outdoor activities that are available, such as swimming, sunbathing, fishing, boating, hiking, and biking.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

By following these tips, you can make the most of your trip to Florida and enjoy all that this beautiful state has to offer.

Florida is a great place to visit any time of year, but it is especially enjoyable during the shoulder seasons. With its warm climate, many attractions, and friendly people, Florida is sure to leave you with lasting memories.


Florida is a state with something to offer everyone. Whether you're looking for a beach vacation, a theme park adventure, or a chance to explore the great outdoors, you'll find it in Florida.

The weather in Florida is warm and sunny year-round, with mild winters and hot, humid summers. The best time to visit Florida is during the shoulder seasons, which are April-May and September-October. During these months, the weather is still warm and sunny, but the crowds are smaller and the prices are lower.

If you're planning a trip to Florida, be sure to pack light and airy clothing. You may also want to pack a raincoat or umbrella, as rain showers are common, especially during the summer months. It is also important to stay hydrated and protected from the sun. Drink plenty of fluids, and avoid sugary drinks like soda and alcohol. You should also wear sunscreen and a hat when you are outdoors, especially during the peak hours of sunlight.

Florida has many beautiful beaches, parks, and nature preserves to explore. Be sure to take advantage of the many outdoor activities that are available, such as swimming, sunbathing, fishing, boating, hiking, and biking.

With its warm climate, many attractions, and friendly people, Florida is sure to leave you with lasting memories.

Closing Message:

So what are you waiting for? Start planning your trip to Florida today!

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